THD meter SK6-220


Production and calibration of measurement equipment of magnetic field and radio engineering parameters
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THD value meter SK6-220

THD value meter SK6-220

ZET Ltd completed process of receiving of pattern approval certificate for meter of THD value SK6-220. Principle of operation ang basic metrological performance of SK6-220 is almost the same with calibrator-meter SK6-20. Major differences between instruments:
  • meter SK6-220 is controlled by built in processor, display and keyboard and doesn't need an external PC unlike SK6-20;
  • dynamic range of meter SK6-220is extended to 50 V of amplitude value of first harmonic (maximal value of arbitrary waveform signal).


  • Meter is designed for THD value measurement, amplitude and frequency of first harmonic measurement, amplitude and initial phases (relative to the first harmonic phase) of higher harmonics measurement. Meter also has a capability to measure levels of amplitude and frequencies of interharmonics and subharmonics of signal.
  • Meters can be used as second grade working standard of THD value and as ordinary measuring instrument of THD value. Also they can be used in analysis of metering instruments and different radio engineering equipment.
  • Meters SK6-220 can replace calibrator-meters of nonlinear distortions SK6-20.

Basic metrological performance and technical data of THD meter SK6-220:

Type of characteristic Value of characteristic
THD value measurement range for signals which first harmonic frequency lies between 10 Hz to 200 kHz:
with first harmonic amplitude (maximal arbitrary waveform value) which lies between 0,05 to 0,5 V
with first harmonic amplitude (maximal arbitrary waveform value) which lies between 0,5 to 50 V

0,01 to 100 %

0,001 to 100 %
Frquenct measurement range 10 Hz to 1200 kHz
Amplitude of first harmonic measurement range in frequency of first harmonic range from 10 Hz to 200 kHz 0,05 to 50 V
Limits of absolute error of THD value measurementΔ?, %:
with amplitude of first harmonic (maximal value of arbitrary waveform) from 0,05 to 0,5 V
with amplitude of first harmonic (maximal value of arbitrary waveform) more than 0,5 to 2 V
with amplitude of first harmonic (maximal value of arbitrary waveform) more than 2 to 50 V


h - value of amplitude of first harmonic
(0,03∙THD + 0,005 %)
Limits of absolute error of frequency of first harmonic measurement ΔF, Hz ΔF = (210-4 F + 0,01 Hz),
where F measured frequency, Hz
Limits of relative error of first harmonic amplitude measurement δA:
for frequency range from 10 Hz to 20 kHz
for frequency range more than 20 to 200 kHz

1 %

3 %
Meter performance in measuring of levels and phase shifts of higher harmonics relative to the first one give that amplitude and frequency of first harmonic lie between 10 Hz to 200 kHz and from 0,5 to 50 V:
amplitude level range
phase shifts range

from -100 to 0 dB
from 0 to 360º
Range of interharmonic and subharmonics levels relative to the first harmonic amplitude given that frequency and amplitude of first harmonic lie between 10 Hz to 200 kHz and from 0,5 to 50 V during measurement of interharmonics and subharmonics from -100 to 0 dB
Independent measurements count from 1 to 10


  • THD value measurement, amplitude of first harmonic measurements, frequency of first harmonic measurement:


    Main resulrs of measurements of meter SK6-220. THD value, frequency of first harmonic and ampltide of first harmonic are printed on the instrument display.
  • Output of mean parameters of higher harmonics:


    Table with mean parameters of higher harmonics. Index of harmonic, frequency of higher harmonic, amplitude of higher harmonic relative to the first one in deciBells, initial phase shift of higher harmonic relative to the first one are printed in that table.
  • Spectrum of measured signal output:


    Spectrum of measured signal.
  • Measured signal plot in time domain output:


    Measured signal plot in time domain.
  • Interharmonic measurement:


    Results of inteharmonic search are following. Frequency, absolute and relative to first harmonic amplitude of every found interharmonic are measured and printed.

Documentation (in russian):