Generator-calibrator of harmonic signals SK6-122, SK6-122-01


Production and calibration of measurement equipment of magnetic field and radio engineering parameters
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Generator-calibrator of harmonic signals SK6-122.

Generator-calibrator of harmonic signals SK6-122


  • Generator-calibrator is designed to generate harmonic signals with given standardized values of amplitude and frequency and given values of amplitude and frequency of first harmonic and THD value.
  • Generator-calibrator has capality of generation of harmonic signals in multi-tone mode with given standardized values of frequency and amplitude.
  • Generator-calibrator can be used for calibration and verification of working etalon of second grade and working measurement instruments for THD value measurement (THD value meters). Also it can be used in analysis of different radio engineering instruments and equipment.
  • Generatir-calibrator has capability of generating signals with spectrums similar to SK6-10 and K2S-57 spectrums.
  • SK6-122 works under control of external PC through USB interface.
  • Base version of generator-calibrator is SK6-122 and SK6-122-01 version differs from each other only by errors of generation of signals with given THD values.
  • Generator-calibrator allows for replacement of Agilent arbitrary waveform generator 33220A in systems organized with usage of calibrator-meter of THD value SK6-20. Base version of generator-calibrator can operate as a part of meter-calibrator of THD value SK6-20A.

Technical data:

  • Range of generated frequency of harmonic signal from 0,1 Hz to 1 MHz.
  • Resolution of generated harmonic signal frequency 0,024 Hz.
  • Limits of absolute error of generated harmonic signal frequency not more than (210-4 F + 0,024) Hz, where F frequency to generate, Hz.
  • Range of generated harmonic signal amplitude of first harmonic (maximal value of arbitrary waveform signal) on output load of (600 1) Ohm from 0,01 to 10 V.
  • Resolution of generated first harmonic amplitude on output load (600 1) Ohm 10 mV.
  • Limits of absolute error of generation of first harmonic amplitude on ouput load (600 1) Ohm (0,01A + 1 mV), where A amplitude to generate, V.
  • THD value generation range from 0,001 to 100 %.
  • Resolution of THD value generation 0,001 %.
  • Limits of absolute error of THD value generation under condition that maximal value of output signal lies from 0,5 to 8 V don't exceed values calculated by formulas listed in table below, where A dimensionless value numerically equal to tha value of generated first harmonic amplitude, V.
First harmonic
frequency range
Limits of THD value generation errors, %
SK6-122 version SK6-122-01 version
0,1 10 Hz (0,02THD+0,002A-1+0,001) % (0,02THD+0,002A-1+0,005) %
More than 10
to 200 Hz
(0,01THD+0,001A-1+0,001) % (0,01THD+0,001A-1+0,005) %
More than 0,20
to 20 kHz
(0,006THD+0,0003A-1+0,0005) % (0,006THD+0,0003A-1+ 0,005) %
More than 20
to 200 kHz
(0,01THD +0,001A-1+0,0015) % (0,01THD+0,001A-1+0,005) %
